Thursday, April 30, 2009

Did you feel pressured to sign a contract?

Did you know that under federal law there is a basic three day right to cancel any contract that was solicited in your home?

The company selling you any home improvement must give you written notice of the option to cancel up until midnight of the third day after you signed the contract. This is to prevent unscrupulous companies from rushing in and doing work before you have a chance to consider and change your mind. This law grew out of the aluminum siding sales of the 1950s/60s.

Many states expand on the basic rights set forth under federal statute and have very specific rules for how this option must be presented to you. Some states allow you to waive this right.

Be aware of what your rights are and be sure the comapny you choose is acting within the law.

You don't want a company that disregards the law, protecting your home, family, or business, because the point is to keep the dishonest people out!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Video surveillance more inportant than ever

I just read an article about a research firm projecting a downturn in video surveillance sales. In an economic downturn, recession, depression, it is more important than ever to have video surveillance. Shrinkage always increases in tough economic times as does exposure to loss through false insurance claims. Dishonest people see a slip and fall in a store with deep pockets as easy money, and employees who might normally be honest may be less so with an unemployed spouse and children to feed. Slipping some inventory out the loading dock door gets tempting, as do worker comp claims.

So now is the time to reevaluate your surveillance and security needs and consider risks that may have been limited before, as having new life in a tougher economic climate.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Due diligence

Before allowing any security sales person into your home, do your due diligence!
Confirm that the company and any employee, including a sales representative who will be entering your home or business, is fully licensed by the governing agency in your state.

This link to a website provided by one of the preeminent attorneys in the security industry has information an alarm company licensing requirements for most states.